Food Storage Made Easy!

They know they want and need it, but it usually ends there. Here is the
secret-there is no secret! Start this project as you would any investment opportunity,
learn the basic concepts and cater your plan around the needs of your family.

Cami Jo Watt, Owner of Home Storage Basics, LLC has some ideas on how to get started.

During this tough economic time we are facing one of the single most important
decisions we can make is how we spend money on the things we need. Food is at the
top of that list! If you compare the cost of a loaf of bread at .25 cents and a complete
meal for your family under $5.00 food storage is a must! We have all experienced
prices increase and smaller packaging on the items we purchase. Where else have you
seen in the past several months a plan that shows you how to get anywhere from fifty
to four hundred percent return on your investment? Food Storage is the way to do just
that!! Home Storage Basics wants to help families enjoy wonderful meals at affordable
prices! The comment we receive frequently on food storage is “I just don’t know what
to do with it, or what to make”. Home Storage Basics offers the INGREDIENTS for you
to continue making the same meals your family enjoys. We offer products that have a
long shelf life and can be used for quick meals for families on tight schedules. From
freeze dried fruits and vegetables to wheat for bread and baked goods using food
storage every day will drastically reduce grocery expenses and help your overall

Get started with a budget. Set a budget and stick to it no matter what. We
recommend getting a variety of items each month instead of several of one item. Look
for sales, case lot, and grand openings to find the best prices out there. Consider some
investment items to increase your food storage availability such as; chest freezer,
wheat/grain grinder, extra shelving (great use for scrap wood from construction).
There are several life sustaining items that every food storage should have. In an
emergency situation these can be complete meals. In our everyday use of food storage,
they are great for side dishes.

These items include:

Wheat Beans Salt Water

Pasta Milk Sugar

Rice Oats Oil

Flour Spices


There may be items on this list that your family does not eat or enjoy, substitute more of
another item. Start with these items and add others you know your family will eat.
Oats, flour, oil, and pasta have a shelf life up to five years depending on the
environment you store them in. Beans, Milk, and some spices will last up to fifteen
years, the beans will take longer to reconstitute the older they are. Wheat, salt, sugar,
and honey will last up to thirty years. The most important thing to remember in food
storage is how you store it. Keep cans, buckets, and barrels off the concrete, and try to
keep your items out of extreme temperatures.

How much should you store?

There are several opinions out there we recommend the following for a year supply per person;


Item Use
Wheat 400
Pasta 40
Rice 90
Flour 20
Beans 75
Milk 24
Oats 50
Salt 10
Sugar 40
Oil 8
Spices 3-5
Honey 40
Water 50
gallons per month

So now what?

You started with a budget, you know basic items to get and how
much of each one. This is where the freeze dried items come in! Freeze dried fruits and
vegetables retain over 99% nutritional value and reconstitute quick and easy. Keep
making the meals your family loves just do it with the ease of having those items
needed in your food storage. Oatmeal or cereal from your food storage with freeze
dried strawberries or bananas is much more nutritional and tasty than those packets.
Also start adding items to your storage you use on a regular basis, peanut butter, tuna,
tomato sauce etc.

Buying meat in bulk by the half cow or half pork is very cost effective. You can
spend between $1.79 – $2.19 /lb. For wonderful cuts of meat. It is an initial investment
however when you consider getting steaks and roasts for less than what you pay for
hamburger it is well worth the investment.

After you have the food end of things underway start with your non food items
such as toilet paper, paper towels, soaps, toothpaste, and hygiene items.

Food storage does not have to be a daunting task and is not an emotional issue, it
is an easy practical economic solution. Having and using it will absolutely prove to be a
financial benefit. Have a plan, set a budget, select items your family will use, and make
it happen!

Visit today for product ordering, further tips,
information, and great recipes, or call (801)768-3269! We wish you and your family
many enjoyable meals together!

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