With summer approaching, you’re going to be looking for something fun to
that your kids or grandkids will love. The folks at Utah Kids Club have
care of the work and rounded up an easy plan of attack for summer fun.
Cali Kellywood from Utah Kids Club explains how it works.
Utah Kids Club is a group for fun, cheap parents making the most of their
children’s lives.
Just order 1 kids club card for your family, then show it when you go to
Discounts are all over the place: Boondocks, Hollywood Connection,
Cowabunga Bay, Seven Peaks, Trafalga, Cherry Hill, Ogden Dino Park,
Treehouse Museum, Provo Beach Resort, Living Planet Aquarium, Bees
Baseball, Real Soccer, Scera Theatre, Laughing Stocks, Off Broadway…Tons
Rec. Centers, Museums and More.
Use the event calendar to find FREE Activities, Special Events and Sporting
Events. Over 30 Things To Do a Day
2 FREE Kids Meal Certificates are included with each membership.
Restaurants such as Applebees, Chili’s, Red Robin, Sizzler, Rumbi, TGIF,
Famous Dave’s BBQ
Order your membership at www.UtahKidsClub.com Use
coupon code “studio5”
for a special 7.99 price. Reg. 12.00 per family
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