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It’s a jungle out there! Here’s how to manage your raspberry plants like the pros

Prickly raspberry canes can easily become too much to handle in the garden. The gangly stalks can really stretch, leaving just one downside to harvesting this delicious fruit – the need for bandaids and Neosporin!

We discovered that real gardeners don’t mess around. They tuck them in. Make them behave. And enjoy them more.


The Utah State University Botanical Center, located in Kaysville, is everyone’s best backyard. It has beautifully presented samples of what grows well here. Walk through their orchard with 50 different types of apple trees, 20 different peaches, 30 different grapes. Visit the arboretum to see full grown samples of landscape trees. Take all sorts of classes, make connections, and enjoy learning more about what you can to do enhance your own Utah yard. Visit www.extension.usu.edu.

1 comment

  • Thanks for this. I love the idea of that second trellis method. Something I hadn’t seen before.