Guilt Over Formula Feeding?

Moms will always have to make the choice to either breastfeed or bottle feed. But do we judge each other for those decisions?

Christy Porucznik with the La Leche League of Salt Lake City and Life Coach Connie Sokol discuss breastfeeding, formula feeding and other parenting issues.

Connie Sokol is the mother of seven, with a newly released romance novel, Caribbean Crossroads. She is a speaker, blog contributor for “Motherhood Matters” on, and author of several books including Motherhood Matters, and Faithful, Fit & Fabulous. For tips, podcasts, and products visit

Christy Porucznik has a PhD in Epidemiology has taught epidemiology and public health to undergraduate, graduate, and medical students at the University of Utah. Christy is a member of the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition and an active volunteer with La Leche League of Salt Lake City.

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