Happy Home: Thoughtful Thanksgiving Touches

Studio 5 “Happy Home” Contributor Jill Grover shares thoughtful Thanksgiving touches that will leave an impression, and create a meaningful memory.

1. Edible Napkin Rings: Shape bread dough into a basic circle loop and dress it up with edible glitter, for a splash of sparkle. Yum, yum!

2. Party Pumpkin Bag: Create gathering party favors by using orange bags, cinnamon sticks and plenty of curly ribbon. Fill each bag with thoughtful Thanksgiving treats! This idea will give you 3 idea options – place card, a party favor, or a delightful table centerpiece.

3. Gratitude Chain People: Great art project for the kids! Create gratitude people by using cardstock, staples and markers. Have your family write down notes of gratitude on strips of paper; you then use the strips to make chain legs and arms for your cardstock gratitude people.

Jill Williams Grover is the founder of “Jillie Willie,” an online company that sells aprons, housedresses, accessories and more! She is the author of nine books, including “Throwing the Perfect Party: Fun Games and Activities for Wedding & Bridal Showers” and “Dime Store Decorating.”

To purchase her books, aprons or other “Jillie Willie” products, visit: www.jilliewillie.com.

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