How to Add Some Spring to Your Home

If you’re feeling ready for Spring, but the weather is working against that
wish – a few simple updates can prep your home for a lighter, sunnier

Ashley Wilson, Home Merchandiser with DownEast Home & Clothing, shares
five points of inspiration.

Lighten up the Environment: Change out heavy drapes for light or
sheer window treatments.

Change out Accessories: Bring in spring motifs and lighter fabrics
in small, affordable items like pillows, throws, and accessories. Bonus
points for having floral prints/motifs

Bring in New Colors: Painted furniture is a fun way to introduce a
fresh color that will really brighten your space

Light it Up: As spring comes, so does the light. The more light
you let into your home, the more spring-y it will feel

Bring in Fresh Floral: One of the simplest ways to add spring to
your home is by bringing in live plants or fruit. Display in a glass or ceramic
vase for an even lighter feel.

For more Spring inspiration, visit DownEast Home & Clothing:

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