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Hug your children every day! The 5 most important things a parent should do each day

These are things a parent should do every day.

A parent’s to-do list is long. Really long. Sometimes it feels too long. So, what if we took it down to just five things?

Studio 5 Parenting Contributor Heather Johnson lists the most important things to do every day to strengthen that parent-child relationship.

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5 Important Things a Parent Should Do Every Day

  1. Physical Affection

“Squeeze them, kiss them, love them. All day, all the time.”

Physical affection is not just for your littles, but should be a habit practiced throughout a child’s life. Research shows that regular physical touch contributes to increased emotional intelligence and reduced anxiety in children. So, give them love all day!

“If they’re struggling, give them even more hugs and kisses,” Heather says.

  1. Emotional Dialogue

“Emotions should be on the agenda every day.”

Encourage open discussions about feelings and emotions on a daily basis. Recognizing and validating a child’s emotions creates a safe space for them to express themselves and fosters empathy within the family.

  1. Flexibility and Consistency

“Flexibility is the ability to bend without breaking.”

Maintain consistency in routines and boundaries while also being flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing needs of your children. Balancing these two elements creates stability while allowing room for spontaneity and growth. It’s okay to do ice cream for breakfast occasionally!

  1. One-on-One Time

“Spend 15 minutes of one-on-one time with each child every day.”

Allocate uninterrupted time each day to connect individually with each child. Quality time spent together strengthens bonds and provides opportunities for meaningful conversations and shared experiences.

  1. Acknowledge the Positive

“Find them doing good every day.”

Make a conscious effort to notice and acknowledge your child’s positive behaviors and actions regularly. Celebrating their strengths and achievements builds confidence and reinforces positive behavior.

Incorporating these five practices into your daily routine may initially require conscious effort and intentionality. However, over time, they become ingrained habits that contribute to the overall well-being and resilience of both the parent and the child.

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