Invite Joy into Your Home

Success expert, Tiffany Walke Peterson shares three simple tips to create joy and overcome stress this holiday season.

As the most wonderful time of the year approaches, with all of its parties, gifts, crafts, and shopping galore, it often leaves many stressed out and exhausted rather than joyful, merry, and bright.

To assist you in creating more joy, peace and connection with your loved ones this holiday season, Tiffany Walke Peterson shares three simple tips to creating joy and overcoming stress this holiday season:

Tip #1: DECIDE what you want. As simple as this sounds, DECIDE that you want and choose to experience JOY today, tomorrow, and this holiday season. Once a decision is made in one’s mind, it makes it so much easier to be centered and reminded of that choice. The decision serves as like an internal GPS system for your mind. If you get off course, the navigation system will reroute you and get you back on track to your destination. In this case JOY is programmed in as the chosen destination. As Ben Stein has simply yet profoundly said,

“The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT.”

Tip #2: Be CLEAR on your top priorities. What is most important for you and/or your family to experience this holiday season? Is it sharing family memories of old? A service project such as Sub for Santa or doing a secretive 12 Days of Christmas for a family in need? Is it connecting with old friends via phone or Christmas cards? I invite you to become clear on the top 3 priorities for you to experience for you and your family this year. As you do so, you have now created clear guidelines and boundaries for yourself, freeing yourself up from the need to do everything this holiday season.

Tip #3: Be okay with saying NO. Once you are clear on your top priorities, you can now navigate where to say yes and when to say no. If it doesn’t align for you and your family’s most important priorities and if the outcome of saying yes to another outing will only result in a tired, worn out, and grumpy you and/or children, then honor your priorities and yourself by opting out of another round of sledding, cheese plate grazing, or wassail consuming event ~ unless of course it is one of your top priorities. Realizing and accepting that you won’t likely be able to attend every party, concert, or gathering that is offered this season, allows the space to create a truly more joyous holiday season for you will be more present and relaxed with the experiences you did say yes to. Releasing the need “to be perfect” is liberation in itself. As William Shakespeare has said, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” As you release the expectation to be perfect or the pressure to cram your schedule to the brim, you will automatically experience more joy and peace this holiday season.

As you decide to create more joy, choose your priorities in activities, and honor what feels best for you and your family’s needs, you will be empowered to create the holiday season that is full of joy, merriment, love, and laughter. Cheers to you!

Happy Holidays!



Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success principles, strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit

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