June Out and About Calendar: Best Parks

It’s the best way to entertain your kids this summer and it’s free!

Kirsten Wright with the family app, Kid Chatteroo shares the secret local parks from Davis County to Southern Utah.

Castle Heights Park­

1200 E Nicholls Rd, Kaysville, UT 84037

The quiet community of Fruit Heights came together in 2003 to design and build a playground for its kids. The playland features a castle moat, lots of slides, a ship, a tree house and a tire swing.

Moab Rotary Park

­680 East Mill Creek Drive, Moab, UT 84532

There’s nothing like it. There are all sizes of chimes, made from all sorts of materials and the things you hit them with are made of different materials as well. There are pipes made of all sorts of materials: plastic, wood, and metal.

Brookside Park­

4863 W Fish Hook Rd, South Jordan, UT 84095

15 acre park, the 2nd largest in Daybreak with awesome walking trails. There’s a winding brook that runs through the park with detailed natural elements included.

Legacy Regional Park

­1140 West 1100 North, North Salt Lake, UT

It has a great splash pad with seats for parents, all around the outside which allows kids to play and parents to relax.
Another great feature is the fun playground has shades over it to alleviate some of the summertime heat.

Neptune Park­

452 W 400 N, Saratoga Springs, UT 84045

Giant 30 foot tall play pyramid design that is very tall and can be climbed all over and is the largest of its kind. The rope structure inside the pyramid is both for climbing and
catching someone if they fall.

Kirsten Wright is the author of the app Kid Chatteroo, a tool that allows you to capture the fun and cute things your kids say, and capture those fun family memories forever. Kid Chatteroo provides questions that will spark all sorts of funny, imaginative, inquisitive, and playful conversations – conversations sure to leave you with that silly, warm, fuzzy feeling! Not only does Kid Chatteroo provide the topics, it also records those little voices and with our easy-to-use recording feature. When you capture a great recording, easily share it with friends and family and upload to your computer. Start capturing the cute and funny things your kids say now.

Click here and get the app today. You can also follow @craftykirsten on Instagram to get more fun family ideas!

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