In today’s Laci’s Latest, delicate decor details to take your party over the top!
Whether you have a small celebration or a big-time bash – Studio 5
Contributor Laci Davis has inexpensive ideas to make you look like an all-star
Lemon Ice Cubes
Fill a cupcake pan with water and lemon slices for beautiful and unique ice
Ice Cream Cupcake Liners
Pre scoop your ice cream into cup cake liners and put in freezer before your
guests arrive. This makes for a happy presentation and takes away the work
while you are being the hostess
Flower Straws
Add a cupcake liner to the top of the straws for a beautiful spring flower look
right on your lemonade drink.
Chalkboard Oilcloth
Use a chalk board table cloth for all your guests to write special messages on.
Cupcake Fabric Ties
An inexpensive way to make your party look like you didn’t miss a detail is to
add a fabric bow tied to a toothpick and top it on your cupcake.
Cupcake Liner Bag Toppers
Staple a cupcake wrapper on top of a sack for a darling wrapping job.
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