Get Control of Your Money

Jeff Wright’s book, Money Tips and Secrets [Exposed], is chock full of tips and activities. If you do just one or two of these activities a week, soon you will feel like you are in control of your money, rather than your money controlling you.


Here are some of Jeff’s tips:

1. Don’t Think “Payments” – Think “Total Price”
When making a big purchase, the temptation is to focus on what you can afford each month. Salespeople want us to only think about the monthly cost. By looking at the total price, you see more clearly how a purchase will impact your overall financial situation. A perfect example of this is when a salesman tells you that the upgraded car stereo will only cost you one dollar per day. You think, “that’s only $30 a month; I can certainly handle that.” If you don’t consider total price, you may not realize that you just agreed to pay close to $3,000 for that upgrade over the life of your car loan.

2. Videotape Your Possessions
In the event of a massive fire or theft would you be able to remember every possession you have accumulated over the years? Probably not. By making a record of what you own through videotaping your possessions, you will have proof in the event of a loss. It is a ten-minute exercise that could make a big difference in how much your insurance company pays you for your loss.

3. You Can’t Out Earn a Bad Plan.
You’ve heard it before – Failing to plan is the same as planning to fail. People don’t consciously plan to fail. No one ever plans to get deep in debt. No one ever plans to wake up one day and realize retirement is right around the corner and the money isn’t there. At the same time, very few people or businesses succeed by accident; almost any plan is better than no plan. As financial coaches, we can help you create that plan.

The sooner we learn these money secrets, the more peaceful our lives will be! Maybe you feel like you’ve got a handle on money, but what about your grown children?

To get a copy of Jeff’s book, visit:

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