New Uses for Everyday Things: Lemons

Studio 5 Contributor, Kathleen Alder shares her tried and true tips for using
this all purpose fruit.


1. Create blond highlights by mixing ¼ c. lemon juice and ¾ c. water. Pour over your clean hair and sit in the sun (with sun screen on your skin of course) until your hair dries, then rinse clean. If you do that daily for a week, you will have that California sun bleached look.

2. Sanitize and deodorize your cutting board by rubbing a sliced lemon over the surface.

3. Relieve a sore throat by warming 2 T. lemon juice and 1 t. honey in the microwave and swallowing it.

4. Sweeten your breath by swishing 1 T. lemon juice around in your mouth and then swallowing it. It will change the PH in your mouth and sweeten your breath.

5. Decorate inexpensively by filling a glass bowl with lemons. It creates a bright spot wherever you put it. You can also line your windowsill with lemons to catch everyone’s attention.

6. Make your whites bright again by adding ½ c. lemon juice to the wash cycle.

7. Brighten your dull aluminum pans by rubbing a cut lemon all over the pans, then buff with a soft cloth.

8. Keep guacamole from turning brown by sprinkling a little lemon juice over the top. It will stay a bright green while you are serving it.

9. Use lemons to tenderize meat in any marinade, just put a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice in your marinade for more tender meat.

10. Make delicious lemonade by mixing the following ingredients together:

a. 1 c. sugar

b. 1 c. water

c. 1 c. lemon juice

d. 4 c. water

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