Overcoming Barriers to Exercise

Presented by: Melanie Douglass


1. Why we ALL have to exercise

a. Not just for weight loss anymore

b. Need it just to fight disease and to feel our best

2. Discuss common barriers

a. Show a graphic “solution” for each barrier

3. How much exercise is enough?

No Time? Try this:

&#8211 Get up ½ an hour earlier

&#8211 Do two things at once

&#9674 Exercise while you watch TV

&#9674 Exercise while you read

&#9674 Exercise while you talk to others

&#8211 Keep a “time journal” for one day

No Motivation? Try this:

&#8211 Do it first thing in the morning

&#8211 Invite a friend to workout with you

&#8211 Listen to upbeat music

&#8211 Keep workout shoes visible

&#8211 Write your goal down

&#9674 Stick it on your computer

Not Sure What To Do? Try this:

&#8211 Hire a personal trainer

&#9674 one-time expense—well worth it

&#8211 Buy a DVD

&#8211 Buy dumbbells or a ball that come with a DVD

&#8211 If nothing else, walk!

Medical Condition? Try this:

&#8211 Ask your doctor before you assume

&#8211 Possibilities are endless

&#9674 Water exercise

&#9674 Chair exercise

&#9674 Physical therapy

How Much Exercise?

&#8211 4 – 6 days per week

&#9674 30 min/day to reduce risk of disease

&#9674 60 min/day to manage weight

&#9674 90 min/day to sustain weight loss

&#8211 But remember: Anything counts!

Website Articles


By Melanie Douglass, R.D., NASM

Author: Tip-a-Day Guide to Healthy Living

(Deseret Book, 2007)


Have a health question for Melanie? Click here to submit your question http://www.tipadayguide.com/blog and Melanie will answer your question on an upcoming Studio 5 segment!

Tip #174: How Much Exercise Do I Really Need?
The new government recommendations for physical activity are bold considering the fact that 68% of us fail to get the minimum 30 minutes per day on most day per week. But the recommendations are spot on, it’s what we need desperately.

What will you do today? In an ideal world, here’s the amount of exercise you should do*:

To reduce the risk of chronic disease in adulthood:

30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most days of the week.

To manage body weight and prevent gradual, unhealthy body weight gain in adulthood:

60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most days of the week.

To sustain weight loss in adulthood:

60 – 90 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most days of the week.

A “moderate intensity” level of exercise is different for everyone. Moderate to a runner might be 6 mph whereas moderate to an elderly person might be 2 mph. Moderate intensity should feel challenging but comfortable… you should be able to speak a few words at a time and breathe in a controlled manner as you exercise.

Tip #147: Lost Your Motivation? It’s Right Here:
We all go through this. Feeling overwhelmed, feeling like you’re not up to par, feeling tired, or just plain ready to give up. It’s a natural part of the ebb and flow of life. But if you want to change your health for a lifetime, then it’s something you have to work on for lifetime. All you need to do is be willing to try, try again. Try one of these tips to help you get back on the right path:

&#8211 Invite a friend to workout with you. Better yet, invite to come to your house at like 6:00 in the morning. You’ll be forced to get up and it’s early enough in the day so that other priorities won’t take over.

&#8211 Listen to your favorite music, either to get you pumped up to start a workout or to keep you going strong throughout a workout.

&#8211 If you are starved for time, do two things at once. Read or watch TV while you exercise, or take a walk with your kids while you catch up on the day. You can also keep a “time journal” for a couple of days. Log everything you do… it will help you identify a short block of time or two in which you can squeeze in exercise (your health has to be a priority—you may have to give something else up).

&#8211 Think of exercise like brushing your teeth… it’s an essential part of your day. Tell yourself you “have” to do it in order to feel your best. You have no choice other than to fight for your health in this unhealthy world.

© 2007 Melanie Douglass, Deseret Book

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