Parenting: Get on the Same Page

Parenting takes teamwork, but moms and dads don’t always agree.
Parenting authors, Richard and Linda Eyre say getting on the same page can
benefit your kids and your marriage.

Your parenting and your marriage relationship are inextricably connected.
The old cliché, “The Best thing you can do for your kids is to love their
mother” is TRUE. Coming together on the goals and plans for parenting
(between husband and wife) can be a huge benefit to the marriage as well as
to the kids.

Here are three recommended best practices:

*The yearly “family strategy summit”: Once a year, set goals and map out
strategies to reach those goals.

*The monthly “five facet review”: monthly meeting between parents (doubling
as a “date”) when discussion and note taking takes place on how each child is
doing physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

*The weekly “Sunday session”: a short weekly meeting on Sunday when
schedules are coordinated and “5 facet review” conclusions are planned and

New York Times #1 Bestselling Authors Richard and Linda Eyre are the
parents of nine children and, by coincidence, the authors of 9 internationally
distributed parenting and life-balance books. They lecture throughout the
world on family related topics, and are the founders of Visit the Eyres anytime
at or

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