Portrait Plasma Facial

Sylvia Pickens, Esthetician, with Extreme Wellness Clinic provides details about this unique treatment.

A simple procedure with dramatic results

Portrait plasma skin regeneration is a simple procedure that takes between 20 and 30 minutes. Using this new modern energy, Portrait creates new life for your skin at its very foundation, replacing old damaged collagen with significant amounts of new collagen and replacing damaged elastin tissue – the keys to quality, long-lasting improvement. While most treatments offer specific but limited results, Portrait treats multiple conditions simultaneously. Clinical tests show unparalleled improvement in wrinkling (including moderate and deep wrinkles), skin laxity, skin texture, acne scars*, pore size, surface discoloration and offers tightening – all at the same time. Portrait also has the unique ability to produce ongoing improvement – up to one year following treatment.

Q. What makes the portrait plasma skin regeneration unique from other treatments?

1) It’s adaptable to individual patients

2) Recovery is shorter than other treatments

3) Clinical studies show the results last from 9-12 months

4) Can improve sun damage, wrinkles, acne scars

5) Appropriate for face, neck, chest, arms, hands

If you’d like more information on the Portrait Plasma Facial contact Extreme Wellness Medical Spa at www.extremewellnessclinic.com or call (801) 335-0529.

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