Power in You: Diversity

Utah’s First Lady Mary Kaye Huntsman and Diversity Ambassador Clif Uckerman come to Studio 5


America is becoming a diverse country. It’s important we strive to promote better understanding and respect among all races, religions, and cultures. What do you think of when you hear the word “diversity”? Power in You ambassadors help young people learn to understand and overcome issues of cultural and ethnic diversity and pass these important experiences on to other young people.

Here’s an excerpt from Clif Uckerman’s story:

Born and raised on Salt Lake City’s westside, Clif Uckerman grew up facing adversity and discrimination throughout his life. Being Hispanic, poor, undereducated and surrounded by drugs, alcohol, gang violence and crime, all the odds were against him.

His parents divorced when he was 5 years old because cocaine had invaded their home. By age 12 he was running the streets with a gang, using and selling drugs, dropping out of school and committing dangerous crimes. And when Clif was 15, his father was shot and killed in a crack house.

But thanks to supportive mentors, role models and the youth works program at Salt Lake Neighborhood Housing services, Clif beat the odds. He learned how to build important life skills by finishing high school. He then received a full ride presidential scholarship to the University of Utah and just recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in social work.

Today service is an important component in Cliff’s life. He works at the Christmas Box House helping mistreated and misguided children and feels that change has to come from within. You can turn your dreams to realities … with the power in you.


If you would like to be an ambassador or learn more about Power in You, go to www.powerinyou.org.

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