Snowcones are a summertime favorite, but there is new frozen treat about to make it big here in Utah!
Todd Larson shares details about the opening of the first Rita’s Italian Ice here in Utah.
With over 65 flavors to choose from we blend fresh fruit to offer a Cool and Delicious nearly frozen treat that will be the best shaved ice like product you will ever taste. Instead of pouring flavoring over the top we blend and freeze the flavor in to provide a consistent taste from the first spoonful to the last.
We are opening our first location of many in Ft. Union located between In N Out and The Pie. We open Monday Aug 12 at 11 am! To celebrate opening today we are offering a FREE regular Italian Ice to everyone Monday and Tuesday Aug 12 and 13! Our Grand Opening with be Sept 13th and we will be offering the first 50 people in line free Rita’s Ice for a year! All they need to do is bring a back to school donation item for the Boy and Girls Club of South Valley to qualify.
We are also running a facebook promotion on Starting monday at Rita’s Ice Utah. For every like we get we will be donating $0.25 to the BGCSV up to $2,000! So go like us on Facebook and help us hit that goal!!
Our second location will be opening in Am Fork in Sept and it is located off the Main Street exit across from In N Out next to Paradise Cafe. More details to come at Rita’s Ice Utah on FB.
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