winter picnic

Get outside for a snow-day picnic! 5 activities on our Winter Find the Love List

Give your winter a little boost!

Is it freezing? Yes. Are the days shorter? Yes. Is it hard to feel your best during the winter months? Also, yes! Don’t let the next three months slip by while you wait for spring. Start living and loving now!

As part of our Find the Love List series, Studio 5 producer Harlee Frodsham shared four things to do this winter to feel a little more love for the life you live.


Download the Winter Find the Love List here!

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Micro Boosts of Joy

Harlee calls these activities “micro boosts of joy.” She explained, “These aren’t like heavy duty, heavy lifting things. They’re small things to try and do.”

Research shows that including novelty in your life can improve memory, increase happiness, and boost creativity. “Novelty is just those things that you wouldn’t normally do in your everyday,” Harlee said.

Snow Day Soirée

Inspired by Cammy Fuller, @hazels_house, Harlee suggested a “Snow Day Soiree.” Bundle up, grab your beanie and gloves, and enjoy some family time outside with a cute charcuterie board and a portable fire pit. “It’ll create such a fun and special memory for your family,” Harlee assured.

Pasta and Puzzles

For a cozy night in, try “Pasta and Puzzles.” Harlee shared, “I invited some friends over, we had some pasta, and then pulled out a puzzle.” It’s a fun way to mix up your day and bond with family or friends. For an extra touch, dim the lights and eat dinner by candlelight for a warm winter glow.

Be Mine, Valentine!

Take it back to the third grade and ask someone to be your Valentine. Harlee started this tradition in 2021 with her husband. “Every year, Michael and I always ask each other to be our Valentines in cutesy, creative ways,” she said. It’s a sweet way to surprise and delight your loved ones.

Hot Chocolate Glow-Up

Finally, give your hot chocolate a glow up. Inspired by Heather Smith of Orson Gygi, Harlee made a rich ganache hot chocolate. “It looks complicated, but it took me what, five minutes?” she said. Spend a little extra time to make a decadent hot chocolate and enjoy a cozy winter treat.

Print the List

Don’t forget to print! “Print it out, tape it on your fridge, and with your kids and your family, mark the Love List items off and just fill your winter with more novelty,” Harlee suggested.

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