Space Saving Kitchen Products

Professional Organizer Vicki Winterton offers advice on space saving kitchen products.

Organizing your kitchen becomes much easier when applying my 3 step ACT Formula.

1. Access your kitchen and decide which spaces are working and which are not. Take a good look. Are you using your space the best way you can? Decide now to get rid of the things you do not use at least once a year.

2. Create a plan to better the kitchen areas that need your attention. Be sure to store things where you use them and store the most used items in an easily accessible place.

3. Tackle the areas that need your attention. If you are short on space, a new generation of space-saving kitchen tools can make even the smallest kitchen cabinet seem positively spacious. Transform your cupboards, drawers, and shelves by adding some “able” solutions:

• Collapse “able”

•Stack “able”

• Slide “able”

Cooks everywhere, especially those of you navigating tight kitchens; analyze your kitchen spaces and rejoice! ACT now and become more ABLE to keep your kitchen organized by freeing up precious space. When your surroundings are organized, your life feels comfortable and at peace.

To enter Vicki’s drawing for a FREE $50.00 Bed, Bath & Beyond gift certificate and to view more “ABLE” space saving solutions visit her website at

Vicki Winterton is a professional organizer and an online organizing expert who co-hosts The Organized Woman Show. To listen to her shows, visit Vicki’s Utah based professional organizing business is found at

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