Summer is all about fun, but moms need to get things done, too. Studio 5
Contributor, Kelly Brown, comes up with creative summer chore charts, so
you don’t have to.
1. Magnetic Board with Clothes Pin-this is a magnetic board (about 8×15)
with pattern paper mod podged onto it along with some cute decorations
(mine has an owl and says “look whoo did their chores). Chores are printed
onto strips of patterned paper and then adhered to magnetic strips. The
magnetic strips are put on the chart according to the day. Decorative mini
clothespins are stored at the bottom of the chart and when the child
completes the chore, he places a clothespin by the word strip. Could also
be done with pictures for younger children. This chart could be created for
an individual child, or chore strips could be printed in multiple colors and
each child could have a different color slip.
2. Erase board/Bottle cap board-this is a mini dry erase board designed for
an individual child. Chore magnets are made out of printed images glued
into bottlecaps. The chart has the child’s name at the top and two columns,
To Do and Done. Magnets are moved from the to-do column to the done
column when the chore is finished. The dry erase factor is also nice
because additional chores can be quickly listed if desired.
Free Bottle Caps Download:
3. Wood Peg Board- This is a wood plaque designed for an individual child.
The plaque has two hooks (to do and done). Chores are printed on
individual cards -the cards could also be created with written jobs for older
children. Kids move the cards from peg to peg as chores are completed.
Free Chore Cards Download:
4. Chore Dice- this is a great option for summer jobs that aren’t typically
done during the school year. Each side of a wooden block is decorated with
a chore (mow lawn, pull weeds, etc). Each day, kids have to roll dice- (I
made three different dice so they could get a job off each one). Kids can
also roll dice to earn extra money/privileges, or when they are misbehaving
or complaining about being bored-they get to roll the dice.
5. Family Chore Jar- This jar has decorative Popsicle sticks with individual
chores on them. Chores on the sticks should be those that are just needed
once a week or so…not everyday responsibilities. Sticks are color coded for
difficult, medium, or hard chores. Kids take turns pulling sticks for daily
chores. Pulling chores could also be used to earn extra privileges or as
discipline for poor behavior. As sticks are completed, they can be put in a
separate jar, by the end of the week, all the sticks should be pulled. You
can also create individual child jars and divide the sticks into the jars at the
beginning of the week. This gives you greater control of who does what
job. If you have younger children and older children, you could also color
code the sticks according to child.
6. Digital Framed Chore Charts- I will have links to several of my favorite
digital chore chart freebies. They can print the free charts and then frame
them in a 8X10 frame. Then the child can use a dry erase marker to mark
off their chores every day.
7. Chore Bucks-At the end of every day/week, kids accrue chore bucks with
which they can “purchase” things (activities, actual money, free time, etc).
This teaches the child responsibility and encourages doing chores.
Free Chore Bucks Download
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