The newest trend for summer weddings is color and lots of it! Diane
Theurer, with Temple Square Hospitality, explains how to add color to your
big day.
The days of the beautiful all white wedding is past. This year’s trends are
focused on color, color, color and the three L’s of wedding design. That
would be Lighting, Linens and Layers. Nothing can change the look of an
event like adding lighting to the tables and the buffets. An expensive
centerpiece can get lost on a table if it isn’t adequately lighted. Lighting in a
room can cut down on the need of a lot of additional décor.
Table linens are big!! No more white or cream cloths on the guest tables.
Bright colors and textures combined on the tables to add elegance and
interest. Burlap cloths are being paired with satins and laces and even toile.
Casual and formal are being paired to create a very elegant look.
Layers of overlays in different colors and textures are being used in formal
and informal applications.
By layering on the tables, centerpieces and candles are mixed low on the
tables with something higher to create the wow effect. Dishes and chargers
are layered on the tables for that added detail.
No more matchy, matchy on tables or chairs. Chair sashes do not need to
exactly match the table linens. Chiavari chairs with chair backs in all
different styles and fabrics.
And of course, bling is still popular for 2012 weddings.
Temple Square Hospitality is offering 20.12% discount on food and room
rental at both the Lion House and the Joseph Smith Memorial Building from
June 25 to August 11 this summer.
For more information visit www.templesquarehospitali
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