Stephanie Peterson with Utah Mama’s shares a couple suggestions for holding on to your personal passions.
Being a mom can be the greatest thing, but if you are giving everything you’ve got and still feel like something is missing it’s time to pursue some of your passions. Holding onto our passions can make us better moms. If we have time to continue doing what we enjoy (besides being a mom!) it enables us to re-energize and come back refreshed for our family. Being a mom is rewarding but not often noticed so it’s nice to finish a project like a quilt, a post on a blog, or a triathlon and feel that sense of accomplishment.
Resurrect an Old Interest
Ask yourself what you enjoyed doing, or what your interests were, before having kids?
Here are a few ideas:
Join a Blog
Start a Book Club
Make the Time & Make It a Priority
In order to pursue your passion you have set schedule time each week. This is something just as important as science projects and soccer practice:
• Get up early before the kids are awake.
• Schedule a sitter once a week for a couple hours or have your husband or relative take the kids.
Find a “Passion Partner”
It’s so much easier to pursue your passion with a partner. Find someone who enjoys your interest and can motivate you to “keep it up.” This can be done in a variety of ways:
• Find a quilting/sewing group.
• Train with a neighbor in the mornings for a 5k.
• Grab a friend for a scrapbooking night.
Get the Family Involved
By helping your family understand what you love, they are more apt to support you in that interest. Take your family with you on a hike or to the pool for a swim. Let your kids take a cooking class with you.
Shake the Guilt
This is the hardest!! Know you are worth the investment and that you deserve to be happy. A happier mom makes for a happier family.
The Utah Mama Handbook provides personal, professional and parenting resources designed to foster a greater sense of identity, empowerment and connection for women and mothers everywhere. The Handbook covers what, where and how to be the best Mama in town by collecting all the top Mama secrets. From community services and school information, to places to do and things to see-it’s a book packed with information that is compiled into 25+ in-depth chapters.
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