The Power of Pilates

Certified fitness instructors, Liz Jones and Allison Jensen give us a crash course on the power of Pilates.

1. Exercise: Hundreds

Target Area: Abdominals and Arms

2. Exercise: Frog Crunches

Target Area: Inner Thighs and Abdominals

3. Exercise: Clam

Target Area: Outer and Inner Thighs, Glutes

4. Exercise: Back Lift
Target Area: Back and Glutes

5. Exercise: Plank

Target Area: Total Body (arms, shoulders, abs, back, glutes, inner thighs, quadriceps)

Liz Jones and Allison Jensen are certified group fitness instructors and co-founders of PoJo Fitness.
You can purchase their Pilates video, mats, bags, headbands and other apparel from their website, where you can contact them about personal training and Pilates parties/events.

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