Thermwise Homes: Beat the Summer Heat

Therm, the Questar Gas energy-wise guy discusses how Utahns can prepare for summer and save money by conserving and reducing energy usage.


1. Home Energy Audit and Rebates: Summer is a great time to take advantage of Questar’s home-energy audit. They’ll do the audit for $25 and return the $25 on your gas bill if you follow their efficiency recommendations. Or you can download and print Questar’s free do-it-yourself audit at Keep in mind, they are paying customers $30 to $300 to purchase and install high-efficient appliances, and offering great rebates to install insulation and windows. has information about all of Questar’s audits, rebates and energy-saving tips.

Thermwise Homes – Weatherization Rebates

Weatherization Requirements Rebate
Windows U-Value
of 0.35; SHGC* of 0.33 or better
per square foot
of R-11 or higher
per square foot
of R-19 or higher
per square foot
install to PTCS level
install to R-6 or higher

** Duct Sealing and Duct Insulation must be installed by a Questar Gas-approved contractor.

2. Clean or Replace the Filter
Just because it is summer, it doesn’t mean your furnace filter should be ignored. If you have central air conditioning, your filter is still working hard during the summer months because the same duct system is used to move air throughout the home.

3. Adjust Your Thermostat:
Avoid setting your thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. It will not cool your home any faster and could result in excessive cooling and, therefore, unnecessary expense. We recommend setting the air-conditioner thermostat at 78°F instead of 72°F which will cut cooling costs by up to 12%.

4. Insulate Before it’s Too Late:
If your home isn’t insulated properly, you could be spending a lot more money cooling it than you should. Air conditioners have to work extra hard when there isn’t proper insulation around ducts, or when cool air escapes through cracks in the seals of doors and windows. If you don’t know where to start, an energy audit with a professional can help to determine where your home is leaking as well as identify other ways you can conserve energy.

5. Find and Seal Air Leaks:
Hidden gaps and cracks in a home can add up to as much airflow as an open window and can cause your cooling system to work harder. Sealing your home “envelope” the outer walls, ceiling, windows and floors — can save you up to 10 percent in energy costs. Start by sealing air leaks and adding insulation, and be sure to pay special attention to your attic and basement.

To learn more about the Home Energy Audit Program, call 1-800-695-7375 to schedule a home-energy audit and for only $25 a Questar Gas technician will visit your home and give you energy-efficient recommendations or visit or call 1-801-324-5331 and get an audit you can fill out at home.

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