Thrift Shop Glam: Teacup Lamp

Blogger Mandi Gubler shows us how to create a lamp that is simply a stack of teacups.

I have been wanting to duplicate the Anthropologie version of this lamp for months and just never got around to it. I am a firm believer that you have to create with an open mind and an open end result. Then just let things happen. That’s what happened with this project. I love how it turned out. You can see a full step by step tutorial here

In short, it comes down to five easy steps.
1. Find unusual things that you love!
2. Do a “dry” run to see how they will stack up before you drill.
3. Drill the holes.
4. Assemble your lamp.
5. Stare at it for the next 2 days because you love it so much.

If you’re not familiar with the phrase, Thrift Shop Glam, it means going to your favorite Thrift store, craigslist, garage sales, and the curb and finding awesome and completely random junk. Taking it home and refinishing, refreshing, and repurposing it. It’s an eclectic and eccentric mix of things that wouldn’t normally be put together. Every week I feature projects from other bloggers who would also define their style as Thrift Shop Glam. If you have something that you would like to have featured let me know!

I think that a lot of the time people are afraid to try new things for fear of how it might- or might not work out. I hope that my blog is a dose of courage, inspiration, and humor all in one lovely package. I am a freak about doing things by myself.

I am a thrift store junkie and love digging through peoples crap. My style is a mix of old junk that sometimes is refreshed and sometimes not, with some funky colors and ALWAYS something unexpected.

I am also the type of person that I see something that someone is doing and think “Gosh I could do that too.” This is where my Vintage Revivals began, at the end of July, after my Grandma had just passed away I was able to see how she had effect countless people and I wanted to do that too. This is a little different forum than the way that she did it, but if I can make someone laugh or teach them how to do something that they can say to their doubting husbands “I TOLD you it would turn out awesome…” then I feel that I have made a difference.

You can see more of Mandi’s projects at

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