Today’s Technology: ClearPlay

If you are a parent, chances are you’re constantly on the lookout for good, wholesome entertainment for your kids. When it comes to movies,
a new tool now gives you more options, than just a G-rating.
In today’s Technology Segment, Sharlene Hawkes
introduces us to the Utah company, making it possible


How many times have you heard someone say…that movie was SO good…except for this one little part…that little caveat seems to be there everywhere these days. You’ve probably already heard about the unique DVD player by ClearPlay, a Utah company that has been showcased on national news programs because it takes care of a real concern for parents like me who are demanding more control over the entertainment in our homes.

With the ClearPlay DVD player, you can edit out violence, sex, nudity, vulgarity, bloodshed or substance abuse and can even determine the amount of filtering (low, least, medium or most).

ClearPlay is a fancy DVD Player that can play regular DVD movies — but without profanity, violence and nudity. It’s really quite ingenious. ClearPlay creates filtering information on a movie by movie basis, and then put those “filters” into the DVD player. This way, the DVD player knows when to skip or mute while the movie is playing.
The film is not broken or choppy. ClearPlay takes great care to maintain the presentation quality of the movie- the only thing gone is “that one scene” you wish the kids never saw.

For more information, visit .

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