Studio 5 Contributor Mindy Dunyon lists her top 5 website picks!
From designer clothes to outdoor gear, you can buy almost anything online. But with so many websites, sometimes it’s hard to find the best deals on the web! So below are some websites that you are sure to find a good deal on some great items.
Ruelala is an exclusive, invitation-only online destination where members discover premier-brand private sale boutiques, each open for just a brief window of time.
Do you always find out about the sales when it’s too late? At, you give the website your preferences for brands and stores, and it will send your matches, as soon as it goes on sale.
Hautelook offers exclusive, limited time, online shopping events, featuring the hottest fashion brands. HauteLook gives all its members access to savings of up to 75% off retail prices. It was chosen by People Magazine as one of the top 15 ways to save money. sells one quality baby or maternity product every day at 50-80% off until it sells out. And, the babysteals warehouse is located in Murray, Utah, so if you live nearby, you can pick up your item and avoid shipping costs!
Steepandcheap sells premium, core outdoor gear and clothing at prices up to 75% off retail. The website only sells one deal at a time until it’s gone, and offers back to back deals all day long. So you have to act fast before an item sells out.
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