Many of you have forgotten all about those New Year’s Resolutions by now;
especially when it comes to weight loss goals. Wouldn’t it be nice though, if
we could keep up those goals all year long?
Bruce Bennett from the Belief Workout shares ways to change your beliefs,
not just your behavior and in turn, lose weight.
Sometimes people succeed in the short-term, when it comes to weight loss
goals, but all too often, the weight comes back. They seldom address why
they do what they do, in other words their thinking. If their old thinking
does not change, the resolutions don’t last long.
Resolutions fail because people don’t realize that beliefs drive the
behaviors that shape our bodies. To keep resolutions, we have to change
not only what we do, but why we do it. If we don’t do that, then our old
thoughts will bring back our old habits, and we’re right back where we
started. We teach a program called the Belief Workout that gives people the
tools to change their thinking as well as their behaviors.
Everyone watching already knows how to lose weight. Most of us have done
it several times. But if the weight comes back, it’s because we haven’t been
able to bridge the gap between what we know we ought to do and what we
actually do. That’s where the Belief Workout comes in. We provide the tools
to identify your beliefs and get them to work for you, not against you.
We’ve actually been teaching these concepts for over six years, and they’ve
been part of ongoing research at both Brigham Young University and the
University of Utah. These studies have determined that this approach to
behavioral change is significantly effective. The people who have taken this
approach don’t lose the weight overnight, but they do lose the weight
consistently, and they keep it off over time. That’s the real goal.
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