Zesty Delight Citrus Frosting

Zesty Delight Citrus Frosting
1 cube unsalted butter, melted
½ cup milk
1/2 cup juice (lime, lemon, or orange)
Zest of 2 limes, 1 lemon, or 1 orange
16 oz powdered sugar (approximately)

Mix the butter and milk until well combined. Then stir in your choice of citrus juice and zest. Add powdered sugar until the right consistency (usually 1 16oz bag of powdered sugar — the juice makes a lot of frosting!)

Food coloring can be added to make frosting more the color of the chosen fruit. You can also put some zest of the fruit on top of the frosting for decoration after the cupcakes or cakes have been frosted!

Zesty Delight Citrus Frosting is a favorite family recipe of
Natalie Jensen, owner of So Cupcake in Holladay.

Find So Cupcake at 3939 So. Highland Drive, or on the web at

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