You might know someone who considers themselves a “social smoker”. They might not consider themselves a smoker, yet the health consequences remain.
Adam Bramwell with The TRUTH, The State’s Anti-tobacco Campaign and Scarlet Hartwell who is in the process of quitting smoking talk about how to become a quitter.
· Some smokers say they just smoke socially – meaning lighting up in pubs, bars, nightclubs, sporting events or at parties. About 30 percent of smokers say they don’t smoke every day.
· Social smoking is usually paired with alcohol consumption. Have you ever heard someone say “I only smoke when I drink”?
· Social situations can become a trigger to smoke
· Although many social smokers go on to become daily smokers, they often don’t consider themselves to be smokers.
· Researchers don’t know how many social smokers become pack-a-day smokers, but they do know that it is a habit that often leads to a stronger addiction.
· It’s also clear that tobacco companies market their products as a sort of social lubricant. In ads you see people smoking and having fun together, never hacking up a lung or having a nicotine fit.
· More young adults are becoming addicted to tobacco after age 18 than in the past. It’s possible that this is due to social smoking.
· Health risks:
o There is no safe level of tobacco consumption. Tobacco causes cancer, respiratory disease, heart disease and death. Even small amounts of tobacco can hurt your health.
o Social smokers frequently hang out with smokers, this exposes them to the health risks of second hand smoke.
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