Be Organized: The Game Closet

Professional Organizer, Kelly Pratt shares her tips for keeping games neat and tidy, and most importantly close at hand.

Kelly’s Tips for Organizing Your Game Closet:

1. Put games in the place where you use them. If you play games in the living room, store them in an ottoman. If you play at the kitchen table, put them in a kitchen cupboard. Don’t hide games away in a closet.

2. Never store loose pieces loose. Keep all pieces together in a Ziploc bag. Next time your child grabs for a game, the loose pieces won’t come toppling out of the game box.

3. Keep your stacks small. Stack games two or three high, but never higher than that or they become difficult to access.

4. Throw them away. If a game has outlived its usefulness – maybe you’re missing pieces, the box is in shreds, or the board is broken – let them go. Send them off to the garbage and be really grateful that you’ve now made room for some new gaming fun to come into your life.

5. Cover game boards with contact paper. This will help protect the game board and prevent it from tearing at the seam.

6. Recycle old games. If you are holding on to games that your family doesn’t play anymore, clean out your game closet and donate the games. Have a game swap with neighbors who have children of different ages than yours. Donate your games to a shelter or your child’s elementary school.

7. Invest in Game Savers boxes. These sturdy plastic boxes are available from

Kelly Pratt is a professional organizer and owner of the organizing company Spaces Limited. For more information, visit: .
You can contact Kelly directly at:

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