It’s a role many women find themselves in – the family photographer!
You may always be the one remembering to take the photo, but documenter and teacher, Karli Cleaver wants us to reframe our thoughts around taking photos to consider it ” giving photos”
It’s a conversation based on a quote that went viral on social media:
“I am the taker of the photos…
I am the receiver of the groans, they eye-rolls and the hurry ups.
I am the one who disrupts the ‘moments’, to capture them.
And sometimes it’s hard to be that person.
But I am also the holder of the memories…
I am the one who keeps the precious proof.
I am the bearer of the stories,
the maker of the photo books that bring tears,
laughter and love rushing into the room each time they are opened.
And if you are too,
please know you are capturing this life, as it happens.
You are capturing stages, ages, twists, turns
and last moments no one could have foreseen.
And generations to come will thank you for it,
even if no one does right now.
The eye-rolls will be replaced one day
with absolute all-consuming gratitude,
for the image of a smiling face so missed
and a memory returned home to stay.
Keep disrupting life to capture it, my friends,
when it’s all that is left,
someone somewhere will be so very glad you did.”
– Donna Ashworth
To see more from Karli, follow her on Instagram @karli.cleaver or her work and memory-keeping education @beckyhigginsllc
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