Cashing in on Your Hobby: Online Boutiques

Dani Lassiter, a longtime Etsy seller, and owner of the Oh Sweet Sadie boutiques, says you can make more than pocket change selling online.

Tips for Successful Selling at

• Consider your commitment. What is your intent? Are you doing this for a hobby or a business? Some people sell their work just to cover the expense of their hobby- and the pat on the back, or knowing someone likes what they have made is payment enough.

• Price for fairness. A general rule of thumb is figure out your hard cost- materials + time. If you are doing this as a hobby your time is worth less, if you are trying to start a business your time would be worth more. Once you know the hard cost of your item, double it.

That formula is a great starting point but your final number may be much higher than someone would actually pay. Or it could be lower. Be prepared to adjust your costs.

• Tag like crazy. When you list your item, tag it with as many descriptors as possible. This way, you’re most likely to appear in searches.

• Heart to create buzz. Find things you like and ‘heart’ them. They will see you ‘hearted’ them and probably check your stuff out as well.

• Frequently list new items. Etsy search results are listed by most recent date listed. Keep posting new stuff, and you’ll stay on top of the heap.

“Heart” Dani’s Etsy shop at

Meet her in person at the upcoming Valentine boutique:

Oh Sweet Sadie! Art & Gift Show

February 5th & 6th

9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

SoDa Row, Daybreak

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