One of the most talked about treats at Disneyland. Camille Beckstrand
with Six Sisters Stuff has shares the recipe so you can make the
popular treat, at home.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Sandwiches
3 graham cracker sheets, split in half
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1 lb chocolate candy coating (chocolate flavored almond bark works well)
Melt chocolate in microwave or stove top according to directions on package.
Take one piece of graham cracker and dip in chocolate. Shake cracker to get rid of
excess chocolate and place on a small cookie sheet covered with wax paper. Repeat with
remaining graham cracker pieces. Place cookie sheet in the freezer for about 10 minutes
to help the chocolate harden faster.
Pull the chocolate-covered crackers out of the freezer and spread 2 tablespoons of
peanut butter on each one. Push the peanut butter all the way to the edge and try to get
it as even as possible. Once you have topped all of the crackers with peanut butter,
return cookie sheet to the freezer and let harden for about 10 minutes.
Remove the cookie sheet and using the rest of your melted chocolate, spoon a couple of
spoonfuls onto each cracker, until all the peanut butter is covered. Make sure that you
also have enough to spread on the sides of each cookie (I found that it helped to use a
plastic knife to do the sides). Place sandwich cookies back in the fridge for about 5
Remove the cookies from the freezer one last time and using the small amount of
chocolate leftover, drizzle on top of each sandwich cookie. Keep cookies in the fridge
until you are ready to eat them (they tend to melt and get all gooey very quickly!).
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