Three years ago, a Utah family faced a tragedy that is almost unthinkable.
Their four-year-old little boy was killed in a driveway back over accident,
leaving a hole in their home and a hole in their hearts. But the Kofford family
managed to turn their sadness into service.
Filmmaker Collin Kartchner shares the powerful story behind a little boy
named Cooper who continues to help and love others, long after he is gone.
To learn more about the event, visit:
ABOUT THE FILMMAKER: Collin Kartchner is a filmmaker who loves to tell
stories. He grew up in Arizona, but currently lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah.
Collin’s work has been featured on The Food Network, The Rachel Ray Show
and other national and international publications world-wide. He is also the
dedicated photographer for America’s favorite blog “Dear Lizzy.” see more of
his work, visit www.collinkartchnerstudios.c
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