The trend of races running through mud or bubbles has now spread to crazy
races that don’t involve running. Biking, canoeing and paddleboarding are
just some of the non-running crazy races invading Utah.
Jenny Willden, the editor of Outdoor Sports Guide magazine runs through
some of the unusual events.
Look at any Utah race calendar, (
events) and you’ll see a plethora of unique, silly, and crazy runs. If
running isn’t your sport of choice, you may feel left out of this emerging race
scene. No more! Try these five races and compete by bike, canoe, or even
stand up paddleboard. Visit the Studio 5 Facebook page for registration
discounts and a chance to win free entries!
Antelope by Moonlight Bike Ride
July 6 – Antelope Island State Park, Syracuse, UT
· Ride a 22-mile, paved, family-friendly course around Antelope Island by
the light of a full moon.
· Dress or decorate your bike with the theme “End of the World: Mayan
Meltdown” for a chance to win prizes and bragging rights.
· Helmets and headlights required. Reflective clothing recommended.
· Refreshments served at the finish line.
Tour de Donut
July 7 – North Pointe Business Park, American Fork, UT
· Ride a seven-mile lap on the road cycling course then stop to stuff your
face with donuts! Ride another loop, eat more donuts, and ride a final loop to
the finish!
· Each donut eaten takes three minutes off your finish time.
· All podium spots are based on adjusted times, so eating extra donuts
increases your chance of a prize-winning finish.
· Team, individual, youth, and tandem divisions are offered. Bike trailers
· The reigning King Donut scarfed down 18 donuts last year and the Donut
Queen ate 12. Can you oust them from their thrones by polishing off more?
Save $5 on registration today only with coupon code: studio5donuts
Two free entries are up for grabs on the Studio 5 Facebook page.
Adventure Race for Africa
July 14 – Utah Lake State Park, Provo, UT
· Complete three legs with your team: canoeing, biking, and a 5K run or
walk. The flat, traffic-free course is designed for all ages and abilities.
· Staying with your team throughout the race is required. (2 or 3 people
per team.)
· Small relays and humanitarian activities challenge teams throughout the
· 100% of race proceeds benefit The World of Difference Foundation, a
non-profit organization committed to improving the lives of Africa’s children.
· Canoeing equipment provided, but racers must bring their own bike.
Stand Up Paddleboarding Channel Challenge
August 25-26 – Beach Pavilion, Jordanelle Reservoir, Park City, UT
· Paddleboard events held in tandem with the Earthwell Festival, an annual
green living and wellness expo.
· The Channel Challenge on Saturday pairs local media members with the
public for a paddleboard relay race with activities and obstacles on the water.
· Sunday’s Parade of Pups invites dogs and their owners to compete in an
on-water dog show with races and relays.
· Free paddleboard demos, fitness classes, and workshops are offered all
Two free entries to Jordanelle State Park, Earthwell Festival, and Channel
Challenge or Parade of Pups will be given away on the Studio 5 Facebook
Wonder Woman Ride
September 15 – Memorial Park, Payson, UT
· Celebrate womanhood at this all-ladies road cycling event.
· Choose from 30-, 62-, and 100-mile distances on an easy, scenic course
through the countryside.
· Free Mother-Daughter ride the night before event.
· Wear a costume for a chance at the costume prize, or just enjoy the
superheroes on course.
· Fully supported ride with plenty of snacks, a lunch stop, and finish line
· Finish line festivities with food, live music, and finisher’s jewelry.
This is just a small sampling of unique non-running events in Utah. For a full
list of upcoming races, visit Outdoor Sports Guide’s race calendar (Link to
events) or find us on Facebook. (link to
Jenny Willden is the editor of Outdoor Sports Guide Magazine. She dabbles in
(almost) anything outside, be it surfing or rock climbing, but snowboarding,
horseback riding, and running still have her heart. Jenny received a B.A. in
Journalism and Mass Communications from Seattle University and is
passionate about sharing her love of outdoor recreation, fitness, and health
with others.
Outdoor Sports Guide Magazine is Utah’s premier publication for outdoor
enthusiasts, featuring engaging stories, how-tos, a comprehensive race
calendar, and gear reviews. View the event calendar and read the magazine
online at
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