Jon Parrish with Daily Bread talks about the advantages of having Daily Bread as your food storage insurance.
Daily Bread has taken the guesswork out of food storage preparation. You can relax knowing that you are prepared for whatever comes your way. Preparing a meal with traditional food storage ingredients such as wheat and beans can be nearly impossible during an emergency when all utilities may not be available. Daily Bread meals are easy and fun to prepare — just add water. Few people enjoy eating the same thing day after day. Your food storage solution should offer a variety of great-tasting foods that taste and look as fresh as homemade meals. Daily Bread offers many different breakfast, lunch and dinner entrees.
Affordably Priced
The cost of food for a family of five currently ranges between $750 and $1,400 a month. The same cost in many of Daily Bread packages is less than $500/month with the average cost per person at only $3.33/day. Plus, the 25+ year shelf life of their products makes it easy to eliminate waste.
Maximize Your Space
Nobody wants to think about how much space it takes to store food. Traditional food storage containers are often awkward and come in different shapes and sizes. This makes it difficult to discreetly store or even find a place in your home for food storage. The Daily Bread food storage solution has a compact design that allows you to store more in less space.
Freeze-Dried Foods: The Better Solution
Originally produced for the U.S. Military and NASA, freeze-dried food has several advantages over frozen or dehydrated foods. Frozen foods retain flavor and nutritional value, but require low temperature storage conditions. Dehydrated/canned foods are shelf-stable, but lose flavor, texture and nutritional content. Freeze-drying is the best of both worlds, preserving freshness, color, and aroma, while being completely shelf-stable.
Taste the difference
Try a free sample of Daily Bread Food Storage. Just go to and click on the “Try a Free Sample” button.
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