Are you prepared for an earthquake? Utah is getting ready to stage the
largest statewide earthquake drill Utah has ever undertaken. Close to a
million people have already registered to take part.
Daily Bread is helping to sponsor the drill and Candace Beck from Daily
Bread helps explain what you need to do to be prepared.
Daily Bread is a proud sponsor of The Great Utah Shakeout that is taking
place on April 17, 2012 at 10:15am.
Schools, agencies, companies and neighborhoods are participating. Go to to
In order to prepare for the drill, you want to:
1) Prepare a kit
2) Make a plan
3) Be informed
4) Get involved
At Daily Bread, we offer short and long term food supplies
A basic kit like the Daily Bread Emergency Plus Kit includes: a two week
supply of food, a first aid kit, a water filter bottle, a heat source and a
utility tool.
Daily Bread also offers longer term emergency food supplies for families in
3, 6 and 12 month meal plans. Daily Bread entrees include: lasagna, beef
stroganoff, pancakes, macaroni and cheese with beef
Daily Bread emergency food supplies are freeze dried and last up to 25
So this is a great time to review your families emergency plan and make
sure that you have a supply of food and water
Go to
and register today for a free sample
Because we believe that “Preparation is everything”
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