Many families are affected by drug experimentation and addiction. It can
start with teens who might start using drugs and it can quickly turn into an
addiction that affects the entire family.
Dan Scholz is a Clinical Director at Lifeline and he helps breaks down what
can lead to addictions and how to find help.
Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by changes in the brain
which result in a compulsive desire to use a drug.
Teen substance abuse trends
· Tobacco
· Alcohol
· Marijuana
· Over the counters
· Prescriptions
· Spice
· Mushrooms
Why do people take drugs:
· To feel good
· To feel better
· To do better
· Curiosity and “because others are doing it”
Addiction doesn’t discriminate. It can impact every type of family regardless
of background. We treat youth from all types of religions, socioeconomic
background, gender, race, etc. Addiction impacts Utah families and can cause
significant problems. As parents, spend time understanding prevention
methods and warning signs of substance abuse problems. The more habitual
the problem becomes the more difficult it can be to treat it. Fortunately there
is hope. Addicts can change. We know that family support is critical in
prevention as well as treatment.
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