You can add lots of variety to your designs with decoupage Easter eggs.
In looking for ways to artfully approach the blank canvas of a simple egg, try dipping into decoupage. You can go bold or keep it subtle by choose flowing florals or ditzy dots.
Emily Price shares ideas for adding pattern to eggs using pliable material and Mod Podge. The variety of looks comes from the chosen material. Emily likes to use napkins because you can find so many fun patterns and they are inexpensive.
Emily also likes to use fabric scraps using the same technique. With so many choices in patterns, fabric adds even more texture to your eggs.
Emily Price loves to create and shares fun DIYs, easy crafts, and toddler activities. She loves making holidays magical for her kids. She loves to travel and you can often find her at Disneyland with her family. Follow along @embprice.
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