Give Dr. Mark Taylor at the Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center a call and give those peepers a chance to sparkle.
What causes baggy, wrinkled eyelids?
Baggy eyelids and wrinkles around the eyes are generally inherited. However, excess sun exposure, squinting, smoking, allergies, and dry skin can also cause a loss of elastic tissue within the skin that will make wrinkles worse.
How are baggy eyelids best treated?
In the past, baggy, sagging eyelids were treated with traditional scalpel surgery to remove excess fat, wrinkles and skin. Deep chemical peels have also been used to remove eyelid wrinkles. While these techniques are effective, they may also result in undesirable effects including bleeding, bruising, scarring and whitening of the skin.
There is a better choice. Laser cosmetic eyelid surgery (also called blepharoplasty or bleph) can correct baggy eyelids and wrinkles without hospitalization or general anesthesia and without many of the side effects of traditional eyelid surgery. Instead of cutting the eyelid with a scalpel and scissors, a pulsed laser is used to remove excess skin and fat, resulting in considerably less blessing, bruising, post-treatment pain and risk of scarring. It is so easy, the procedure is performed with only mild oral sedation and local anesthesia. In addition to removing skin and fat, the laser also improves wrinkles.
How long does the treatment take?
Treatment sessions can last from 30 minutes to a few hours depending on the extent of the surgery performed.
What are the risks of laser cosmetic eyelid surgery?
Rare complications of eyelid surgery include bleeding, infection, scarring, tight eyelids, dry eyes, duble vision, blindness and adverse reactions to sedation or anesthesia. These complications are extremely rare and can almost always be avoided with proper evaluation and treatment. Laser eyelid surgery offers fewer risks that traditional eyelid surgery. Typically the only noticeable side effects are redness and swelling.
What type of recovery can I expect after laser eyelid surgery?
After surgery, it’s important to rest with your head elevated at a 45-degree angle and with ice packs applied liberally to your eyelids for the first two days.
If excess fat and skin have been removed, you should plan to take at least three days off work. After three days, light-duty work can be performed if it does not require lifting, straining or bending. After two weeks, all normal activities may be resumed. If eyelid wrinkles have also been removed with laser resurfacing, you should plan seven to 14 days of downtime for the eyelids to sufficiently heal. If a laser peel is applied to the lower eyelids, some redness will remain for a few weeks to several months.
Can anything be done to prevent baggy, wrinkled eyelids?
Eye protection from the sun (sunglasses with side protectors) will help prevent eyelid wrinkles. The use of eyelid moisturizing creams; control of allergies; avoidance of smoking, alcohol and other substances that make the face flush and swell; adequate rest and exercise; and maintenance of proper body weight may also help.
How much experience does your office have in laser eyelid surgery?
Dr. Mark Taylor is a leader in the field of cosmetic laser surgery. He has performed laser eyelid surgery hundreds of times. In fact, many physicians travel to the Gateway Aesthetic Institute for instruction from Dr. Taylor on advanced laser surgery techniques.
Schedule a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Call at (801) 595-1600 or go online at or visit them at The Gateway Mall, 440 West 200 South, Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
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