Get Fit Together

Studio 5 Health and Fitness Contributor Melanie Douglass shares ways you and your partner can get fit together!

Benefits of working out together:
    • 94% of couples that workout together, stick with it
    • An added competitive edge to each workout

    • Increases accountability and workout effectiveness

Great ideas for couples:
    • Racquetball (an aggressive, calorie burning fun sport)

    • Basketball
    • Swimming laps with family (or playing games, water tag,        races)
    • Walk/run intervals

    • Race training

5 Great “partner” exercises:
    • Resisted Squat
    • Single Leg Pulls
    • Resisted Triceps
    • Lunge ‘n Press with Tubing
    • Row ‘n Curl with Tubing
    • High 5 Pushups!

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