By Tracey Nelson
My Heart and Home
Has the sound of the door bell ever sent you into cardiac arrest because you were afraid to open the door in fear of who might see your house looking like a tornado came through? Keep up on your cleaning with a Daily Quick Clean. Spend 5-10 minutes each day in each room cleaning. Put on an apron to stay clean, grab a basket, and go to it! This is just a quick pick up so that you feel like your entire home is clean and straight. Put all the items that don’t belong in a particular room in the basket. As you go from room to room, put the items away where they belong. At the end of the day, no matter what happens that day, you will know you accomplished something!
Does spring cleaning stress you out? By doing a deep clean a little at a time, you avoid the worry of a big spring clean. Start by making a list of everything that needs to be done in each room in your home. Make sure that you list things like dusting light fixtures, blinds and cleaning out drawers. My Heart & Home has done this for you with our Good Clean/Deep Clean charts. Choose a few of the deep clean items each month and mark the date you complete them. Once you have completed everything in that room start over so you maintain that room. If you keep up on the cleaning, the task isn’t so daunting in the spring and it goes much quicker. This may seem overwhelming at first, but once you have the system in place it becomes a piece of cake!
Your spring cleaning will now consist only of changing out the seasonal clothing and possibly getting your carpets cleaned. You will have done everything else throughout the year. The jobs are not as large because your house is not as dirty. Cleaning your blinds will take ¼ of the time that it takes in a spring clean once a year. You will love your new found freedom in the spring. Use your spare time to enjoy the weather and the beautiful spring flowers instead of being held hostage inside with your cleaning products!
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when setting up your cleaning routine:
• Make sure you set a realistic cleaning routine for your schedule
• Re-evaluate your routine often. Different phases of life require different cleaning routines.
• Let your family share the burden – don’t be afraid to teach your children how to work.
• Keeping a clean home is all about maintenance. Keep up on the small things so they don’t turn into big jobs!
Cleaning tips:
• Use a cleaning tote for cleaning supplies
• Keep a multipurpose cleaner under your kitchen and bathroom sinks with a roll of paper towels to clean up in between cleanings. Clorox wipes also work well!
• Keep a dish brush in your shower to use in between cleanings.
• Swish your toilets each morning to keep your bathroom fresh.
• Micro fiber cloths, “Swiffer” dusters or feather dusters work great for blinds or quick dusting.
Tracey Nelsen is a pack rat turned organizer! She has been organizing for 8 years. When she found out that her first child was actually her first children – TWINS! – Tracey knew that she would need some major organization in her life. Life has been full of surprises since she became a mother but being a mother has brought her more joy than she could have imagined. Tracey is happily married and the mother of 3 active boys! When she gets spare time, she enjoys reading, tennis and singing. Tracey grew up in Utah. She graduated from Utah State University with a B.S. degree in Family and Human Development. Currently, Tracey works on marketing for My Heart & Home™ and loves being involved with this great company!For more information about My Heart and Home, and their products, visit
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