great photos

Want great photos? Let kids be kids! 6 ways to make sure they are happy for the camera

The way to get great photos of your kids is to let them be!

From school photos to family photos, and snapshots in between: moms have expectations about how they want their kids to look and act in front of a camera.

Photographer Bre Welch believes the best success happens when you just let kids be kids. She shares six tips for camera-happy kids.

To see more of Bre’s work, go to


6 Ways to Get Great Photos of Your Kids

Let Them Help Plan


Let them help in the planning: picking outfits, music, picking props, picking backdrop or location. Kids are more invested and cooperative when they have a voice.


Don’t Make It About You


Throw out the notion that these pics are for you. Instead of, “Smile for mommy!” say, “I bet you can’t do this!” or “Oooo! Do you know what would be cool? Try this!”


Be Ready to Collaborate


Once they’re in front of the camera, start picking up on things they’re naturally doing and encourage them. Stop thinking about what’s “picture-worthy” and honor each of their ideas by actually snapping the picture. Help them know you’re ready to collaborate.


Focus on Doing, Not Being


Let the portraits be about DOING not BEING. Kids love DOING, find a simple activity that doesn’t require much following around with your camera-a small jump in the sky. Playing peekaboo! Bubbles! Pushing a car around! Make games out of anything you can.


Show Them How You See Them


Show them how you see them and how they would like to be seen. If it’s an older kid, play into the cool grown-up factor.


Don’t Coach Too Much


Don’t coach too much, and try not to say, “no” unless it’s hurting someone. Go with the flow and have fun. If mom is having fun – they are more likely to, as well!

Bre Welch is a professional photographer at Pepperfox Photo, located in Bountiful, Utah. She specializes in head shots and portraits. Bre is a musical theatre geek! When not behind the lens, you can usually find her performing in a show. She has a degree in Musical Theatre from Weber State University and is represented by Talent Management Group.

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