Studio 5 Fitness and Nutrition Expert Melanie Douglass outlines the Holiday Boot Camp Workout where you can get twice the workout in half the time.
The Holiday Boot Camp Workout is a simple 15-minute workout that will have you burning more calories than a typical workout for a much longer period of time.
The workout consists of five exercises done for 30 seconds each, and then repeating that circuit four more times. After you warm up by walking in place for 3 minutes to kick it off, the total time is 15 minutes. But don’t be deceived, this workout is intense.
Holiday Boot Camp Workout
3:00 Walking Warmup
:30 Squat Jumps
:30 Side Shuffle
:30 Booty Kicks
:30 Ski Jumps
:30 Side Punch
Repeat those 5 exercises four more times (for a total of 5 circuits).
A video of Melanie Douglass doing the complete workout is available for downloads to your computer so that you can load it onto your video or MP3 player.
Instructions for iPod/iTunes (video)
In order to put the workout video on your iPod or iPhone, you need to download the video, add it to your iTunes library, and then sync it to your device. The video will only work on an iPod or iPhone; see the instructions below for the audio-only version if you have a different kind of device.
Step 1: Download the video file
Click here to download the video. Save it on your computer somewhere where you can find it later.
Step 2: Import the video into iTunes
Open iTunes and select “Add File to Library…” under the File menu. When it asks you to select the file to add, find the workout video file that you downloaded in step 1 and then click the Open button. You may need to wait a minute for iTunes to process the video. Once it is done, you should see the video listed in the Movies section of iTunes.
Step 3: Configure iTunes to sync the video
First, make sure your iPod is connected to your computer. Next, click on your device under the Device menu on the left-side of iTunes. Click on the Video tab on your device’s screen. Scroll the screen down until you see a Movies section. Check the box next to the workout video.
Step 4: Sync the video to your iPod
With your iPod still connected to your computer, click on the Sync button in iTunes. If that doesn’t copy the video to your iPod, you may need to configure iTunes to sync the video.
Instructions for other devices (audio only)
If you don’t have an iPod or iPhone, or you just want to listen to the audio version of the workout, follow these steps:
Step 1: Download the audio file
Click here to download the audio file. Make sure you save it to a location on your computer where you can find it again later.
Step 2: Copy the audio file to your device
Make sure your device is connected to your computer first. Every device has a different way of storing audio files, so you may need to consult with your device’s user manual for instructions. Look for a section that deals with “importing” or “loading” MP3 files.
If you have an iPod, you will need to open iTunes and then tell it to “Add File to Library…”, much like Step 2 in the video instructions above.
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