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Hosting a gathering doesn’t have to be extravagant! Here are 5 short cuts you can take

When hosting a gathering, we often think it has to be perfect. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t!

We are firm believers in women showing up for other women. Gathering is bonding, and creates friendships with meaning.

Celeste Whitney says anyone can be the host and help others come together. She shared some ideas to make the gathering easy.


Connection, Not Perfection

Celeste said hospitality is about connection, not perfection. “I imagine I can’t invite anyone over unless I remodel my kitchen, clean the ceiling, and learn how to cook and serve a gourmet meal… but that’s simply not true,” she emphasized.

No-Pressure Theme

The theme of the get together doesn’t have to be new or trendy, it just has to happen. Take the pressure off and find a theme that works for the women you want to gather. Celeste has created more than a dozen invitations you can download for party themes like book clubs, Bunko, park dates, and more!

Printable Invites

Book Club
Chat Therapy
Favorite Things
Friendship is Sweet
Game Night
Girl’s Getaway
Hobby Time
Let’s Party
Let’s Try Something New
Movie Night
Picnic in the Park
Recipe Swap
Un-birthday Party
Walk and Talk

Food Isn’t Necessary

Celeste said food is fun but it doesn’t need to be fancy, expensive, or even included at all. One thing that tends to hold people back is the variety of food needs or restrictions. If food is the reason you’re not getting together, tell guests to eat in advance and skip food all together.

Be Mindful of the Guest List

Another suggestion Celeste had was to look for the people who need a friend when creating your guest list. A single mom who never gets a night out, the new girl in the neighborhood, or the new widow who could use company. Switch up the guest list each time to include different, smaller groups, or choose an outdoor location that can fit everyone.

Be Consistent

Lastly, determine a time and recurring date and get it on your calendar. Whether you want to gather weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Celeste said it won’t happen if all we say is, “we should do this again.” Make a simple plan and enjoy the memories made with friends.

Find more ideas from Celeste on Instagram, @sevenloops.

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