Look Better in Your Swimsuit without losing 20 lbs!

It happens every summer. The warm weather sneaks up on us and before we
know it, it’s time to shape up for the “bare it all” season, and losing 20-lbs
might be a little unrealistic. Studio 5 Producer Halli Tinti is throwing out a
couple of her secret tips to brave your swim wear this summer.

Tip #1

Get Glowing. A tan gives off an illusion of a sleeker physique but and it works
like magic on skin imperfections like spider veins, stretch marks and scars.
Go healthy and get your tan from a bottle. My favorite is “Jergens Golden
Glow.” You can find it at Wal-mart for $7.

Tip #2

Slather on the moisturizer. It’s so important to take care of your skin daily.
No, not just you face, but the entire package. You can use skin tightening
lotions to help hide the appearance of cellulite. My favorite is “Body Kisses”
made by Australian Gold. You can buy it on Amazon for only $14. Used twice
a day for two weeks and you’ll be tight as ever!

Tip #3

Get rid of extra baggage. Drink more water and eat let sodium! It’s as easy as
that. As women we tend to hang on to more water weight. Flush it out by
cutting back on all those salty snacks and get you 8-glasses of water a day.

Tip #4

Stretch it out! Strengthen your extremities without spending a lot of time.
Long lean muscles are a quick and easy way to get ready to bare those legs.
Stretch for ten minutes a day, holding every stretch you do for at least 30

Tip #5

Highlight. Swipe some highlighter or bronzer over your shins and your collar
bones to create a subtle slimming effect and use a bronzer that glistens to
deflect the light. I like to use “Elf” bronzer from Target, because it’s only $1,
and who wants to buy an expensive bronzer then take a dip!

Tip #6

Dig a whole. This tip is more for the beach goers. Rather than throwing off
your towel and hitting the waves, take a second to move some sand for your
bum. Then lay on the spot. It works like magic!

Tip #7

One word… Sarong! A sarong is the cutest way to hide a little extra. You can
fold it and tie in ways to cover whichever body part you don’t like to show.
Choose a sheer one to keep it feminine and sexy.

Tip #8

Accessorize! Add a cute wedge to give yourself some extra length in your
legs. You’ll look slimmer by adding a wedge. Plus it’s always cute to throw on
some bangels and a cute wide rimmed hat.

Tip #9

Use the right size swimsuit! Enough said ladies. I don’t need to elaborate. But
wearing a swimsuit that fits is key to rocking any kind of swimsuit.

Tip #10

Posture! You can look 10 lbs lighter, just by keeping your shoulders back.
Don’t hunch over while wearing a bathing suit. It will age you and make you
appear heavier. Keep your chin up and brave the bare in your bathing suit!

If you have any more tips you’d like to share or questions about products,
shoot us a message on our Studio 5 Facebook page!

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