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You can make chores fun! Assign kids roles and they will feel a sense of purpose

There is a way to make chores fun!

There’s a creative new way to assign daily household chores to your kids. Instead of assigning chores, assign roles!

Stephanie Dulgarian, the host of the online community Somewhat Simple, advocates that children not only need, but also crave, a sense of capability and responsibility. By delegating specific roles, the entire idea of chores is transformed into a dynamic and more fun experience for the family.

Find more from Stephanie on her website, Find inspiration for roles to assign in your home by reading Stephanie’s blog post. Stephanie is offering a discount code to viewers! Use the code “STUDIO5” at checkout for a $10 discount on printables.


How to Make Chores Fun and Give Kids a Sense of Purpose

 Rediscovering the Joy of Childhood Roles

Remember the days of elementary school when we eagerly accepted roles like line leader or weatherman for the week? Stephanie suggests incorporating a similar approach at home. These roles, ranging from librarian to family cheerleader, are more than just tasks—they are avenues for learning, connection, and fun. The family DJ, for instance, gets to curate car playlists and initiate impromptu dance parties, fostering happiness and unity.

Assigning Roles: Simple and Effective Strategies

How do you allocate these roles? Stephanie’s method is wonderfully straightforward—drawing lots or allowing the children to choose a couple they prefer, ensuring an equitable and enjoyable distribution. You can even rotate roles throughout the year so everyone gets a chance to participate.

Beyond Chores: Building Confidence and Life Skills

The impact of these roles extends far beyond their immediate tasks. By learning to care for their surroundings and contribute to the household, children gain confidence in their abilities. Imagine the pride a child feels when they can independently handle tasks like loading a dishwasher or doing their laundry. Stephanie emphasizes that these skills empower children, preparing them for life’s challenges and fostering a strong sense of belonging within the family unit.

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