Nanas are needed by their families.
With our Nanahood series in motion, it’s time we introduce our leading voice.
Mary Jo Bell is an author and speaker in pursuit of filling homes with more love and more laughter. She’s a nana to nine and passionate about that role. She will be joining us monthly to help you find your nana spirit and strength because she believes nanas are needed now more than ever.
You can find more inspiration from Mary Jo at You an also listen to her podcast, “Mom Meets World” on all major platforms.
Future Nanahood Discussions
1. When we live close to our grandchildren, how can “Nana Hospitaitliy” bring us even closer?
2. Whether we live close or far, how can technology bond us?
3. How can we strengthen our “spiritual Nana cores”?
4. How can we enter the world of childhood play, and enjoy grandchildren in the “land of imagination”?
5. How can we empathize with/cheer/bless our teen grandchildren?
6. How can we strengthen our relationships with those who parent our grandchildren?
7. Does the oft media-created “strained mother-in-law” relationship with daughters-in-law have to be a thing? (Clue: definitely not) How can we help everyone feel included/accepted/valued?
8. How can we express compassion, without control vis a vis the parents of our grandchildren?
9. How can we obtain more “Nanergy” (Nana energy)?
10. What is our own personal “Nanastyle?” (to be explained)
11. What if we lack great personal examples of how to Nana? What are “soul models” and where can we find them?
12. What are the two kinds of Nana Journaling, and why are they so valuable?
13. How can we create intentional memory-making events/traditions?
14. How can we listen deeper, and love our grands and families better than ever before?
15. How can we support the massively important role of grandfather in our families?
16. Why is the “irrational” love of a grandparent so significant in building self-esteem?
I absolutely LOVE this new series and look forward to learning ways I can be a more impactful nana. 😀
[…] is also the “Nana in the Hood” on KSL TV, Studio […]