Purse Essentials

There is a big difference between a woman’s purse and a mom bag! Gone are the days of the compact clutch with simple lipsticks, because moms tote a ton of stuff around.

Whether you are a mom or not, Studio 5 Trend Tracker says there are a few things every woman should carry in her purse!

1. Ouch Stuff www.mayrongoods.com, $16

2. Portable Toilet Seat Covers/Dan’s

3. Clear Head Balancing Balm www.lather.com, $9

4. Disposable Toothbrushes/Dan’s

5. Everyday GLO Teeth Whitener to use On the Go/Sephora

6. Argan Oil (for hair, skin, cuticles)/Sephora

7. Dry Shampoo/Sephora

8. Compact Nail Polish Remover Pads/Old Navy

9. Tide to Go Instant Stain Remover/Old Navy

10. Deodorant Removing Sponge/Dan’s

11. Inexpensive mini totes/H & M, $3.95

12. Shemergerncy Survival Kit/Urban Retreat Salon in SLC, $22

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